Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to the Machine

Sitting in the grass today, seemed to be yet another one of those--what I like to call-- “Lightning in a Bottle” moments. I had gone to my old shelter to grab the last of my belongings. I had asked for a couple of moments to sort through things, and leave some for the donation table.
I was pretty much handed my two garbage bags, & told to take my crap and go. Along with the beginnings of a lecture on how they should have been picked up last week. At which point I cut it short by replying “Ok great, just give me my crap”
I went to the park and sorted everything, packed up my backpacks and headed for a shady spot in the park nearby. As I lay in the grass listening to Pink Floyd's “Wish You Were Here” album—more specifically “Welcome to the Machine”-- there was an incredible breeze blowing across me and swayying the grass, and at that very moment, I felt the chapter close.
That place is behind me now, and I've moved on to better. What a thankless ending on both sides.

So, as I start moving through to the next chapter, I would like to take a moment and say hello to any new visotors from the CBS site. I'm going to give you a very brief run down of who I am, and what it is I'm doing here, just to bring you up to speed.

  • I have PTSD from specific loss related to, and events surrounding 9/11 from when I lived and worked(top of my career) in NY.
  • What followed was a ten year string of major depression, anxiety, semi bipolar, and just a lot of self sabotage and life became unmanageable.
  • Became homeless, and forced to face the day; everyday
  • Started writing here. Picked up by Spare Change News and now write regular columns for them
  • Moving through system a lightning speed, with the help of a top notch team of social workers, therapists, case workers, and advocates.
  • Take everything I learn and use it to advocate for fellow homeless
  • Do community outreach, often with the help of Mitzvah Circle Org, to meet specific and general needs of those that are homeless or in danger of becoming so, as well as entire shelters.
  • I throw great Homeless BBQs that help moral, and add a sense of normalcy and self sufficiency. These BBQs have been acknowledged by CNN, and have received help from the Boston Harbor Alliance
  • I've been invited to train as a Peer Supervisor for Elliot Community Human Services org, but have graciously turned down.
  • Through the help of some amazing case management, and good old fashion contacts, I will be beginning college courses in Jan, at a VERY prestigious university :)
  • Most of my day as you can see is spent in meeting, Dr appointments

So what I need from you Boston... is some good old fashioned, under the table, odd jobs!! LOL
Listen, I'm much better with my brain, then my hands, but you need a basement cleaned up, I'm your man.
You need someone to organize your computer, do simple HTML/CSS, and or graphic design, I'm also your guy. For PTSD reasons I don't really like to cook anymore, although I'm a french trained chef with 15 years experience. I can design menus, special need diet planning.
Can string and tune guitars. ANYTHING
Hell I'll brush your dogs hair...or yours for that matter! LOL
Listen I just need some cash. Not only for my basic needs right now, but I DO help others with everything that I can, so anything sent to me, usually goes to helping me and someone else directly as well. So please feel free to use the donate button as well, but serious, if you're local and need some work done, hit me up bostonhomeless @ gmail. Com
C'mon, lets work together ;)

Gary aka John Doe

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